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General Liability Insurance

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What is Business General Liability?

Business General Liability (GL) insurance is a comprehensive coverage designed to protect businesses from a variety of potential risks and liabilities. It typically provides financial protection in cases of third-party bodily injury, property damage, and advertising injury claims. This insurance is crucial for businesses as it helps cover legal expenses, medical costs, and damages that may arise from accidents or incidents for which the business is deemed responsible. General Liability Insurance is a foundational component of risk management for businesses, offering financial security and peace of mind in the face of unforeseen events and potential legal actions.

What does General Liability not cover?

While General Liability Insurance provides broad coverage for many common business risks, there are certain situations and types of liabilities that it typically does not cover. Some common exclusions from General Liability Insurance may include:

Professional Liability:

Errors and omissions in professional services are generally not covered by general liability policies. Businesses that provide professional advice or services may need a separate Professional Liability Insurance (Errors and Omissions Insurance) to address these risks.

Work-related injuries to employees are typically covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance rather than General Liability. Workers’ Compensation is designed specifically to handle medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job.

General Liability Insurance does not cover accidents involving company-owned vehicles. For this, businesses need Commercial Auto Insurance to cover liabilities related to vehicles used for business purposes

Deliberate or intentional acts that cause harm are generally not covered. The policy is designed to address accidents and unintended incidents, not intentional wrongdoing.

Disputes arising from a breach of contract are usually not covered by General Liability. Contractual issues may require specific Contractual Liability Insurance.

Claims related to employee discrimination, harassment, or wrongful termination are typically excluded. Businesses may need Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) to address these risks.

It’s essential for businesses to carefully review their insurance policies and, if necessary, obtain additional coverage to fill any gaps in protection based on their specific operations and risks. Consulting with an insurance professional can help ensure comprehensive coverage tailored to the business’s needs.

Lines of Business - Some popular categories include:

At, we offer a comprehensive range of business insurance solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of various industries. Our expertise extends to a wide array of classes, including but not limited to:

  1. Construction and Building:

    • Covering contractors, builders, and related trades to safeguard against risks inherent in construction projects.

  2. All Trades within Construction:

    • Specialized coverage for various trades within the construction industry, ensuring comprehensive protection for contractors.

  3. Pest Control:

    • Tailored insurance solutions for pest control professionals, addressing unique risks associated with pest management services.

  4. Manufacturing:

    • Providing coverage for manufacturers to protect against potential liabilities arising from the production process.

  5. Transportation and Trucking:

    • Tailored insurance for transportation companies and truckers, addressing risks associated with the transportation of goods.

  6. Wholesale Trade:

    • Coverage designed to meet the specific needs of wholesale businesses, protecting against various liabilities.

  7. Retail Categories:

    • Comprehensive insurance solutions for a broad range of retail businesses, addressing risks unique to the retail industry.

  8. Service Industries:

    • Specialized coverage for service-oriented businesses, including beauty salons, spas, health services, gyms, personal trainers, and day care operations.

  9. Auto and Repair:

    • Insurance solutions for auto repair shops and car dealerships, providing protection against risks associated with automotive services.

  10. Habitational:

    • Coverage for residential and commercial properties, including apartments and commercial buildings.

At, we pride ourselves on our ability to handle even the most challenging risks. Our expertise allows us to specialize in hard-to-place risks, ensuring that businesses with unique or complex insurance needs find the coverage they require. Whether you operate in traditional industries or emerging sectors, we are dedicated to providing tailored insurance solutions that prioritize your business’s security and longevity.